正式和非正式渠道informal and formal channels
永久的传染病医院a permanent infectious diseases hospital
永远提心吊胆过日子live on tenterhooks forever
42 more HK people come down with atypical pneumonia.
同时增强两种病毒的传染性和毒性enhance both the disease's transmissibility and virulence
向全世界显示香港已从沙士反弹过来show the world Hong Kong had bounced back from Sars
A mystery flu virus has struck down 61 children at a Kowloon Tong kindergarten.
在本地感染登革热locally contracted dengue fever
在抗炎前线at the forefront of the fight against Sars
在沙士高峰期at the height of the Sars crisis
在英国爆发疯牛症疫症时于英国居住was living in Britain at the height of the UK's mad-cow disease epidemic
在最坏情况in a worst-case scenario
在医院采取严格的防止感染措施implement strict infection-control measures in hospitals
在医护人员之间传染得特别快was spreading especially quickly among hospital staffs
The dormitory in the hospital where she lived and places she regularly visited had been thoroughly disinfected.
She was never contagious and is expected to recover fully.
如果肺炎疫情恶化if the pneumonia outbreak worsens
有沙士病征showing Sars-like symptoms
有非典型肺炎病征showing Sars symptoms
There are signs that the virus is mutating.
考虑撤销对香港的旅游警告consider dropping its travel warning for Hong Kong
考验香港的应变能力testing Hong Kong's mettle
自周四起暂停急症室服务suspend its emergency ward services from Thursday
助长非典型肺炎病毒扩散aid the spread of atypical pneumonia
快将宣布列为疫埠was about to be declared an infected area
把所有沙士病人集中在一两个地方centralize all SARS patients in one or two locations
把所有沙士病人集中在一处,防止疾病蔓延concentrate all the SARS patients in one area to prevent its spread
New cases have been cropping up daily in the double digits.
The number of new infections had fallen to just a handful a day.
Dengue infects more than 100 million people a year.
沙士的教训the lessons learned from the Sars outbreak
沙士病征Sars-like symptoms
Part of Sars' economic aftermath has already appeared, yet we may still experience more as time goes by.
沙士报告the expert report on Sars
沙士疑似个案suspected Sars case
沙士调查报告Sars inquiry report
防止疫症蔓延avoid the spread of the disease
防止疟疾蔓延stop the spread of malaria
防御疾病不要放松not to let down their guard against the disease
The Asian H5N1 strain of the virus was "certainly the most likely one that will cause the next pandemic.
Elsewhere, there were strong signs last week that the SARS epidemic was running out of steam.
典型肺炎classical pneumonia
呼吸道分泌物respiratory droplets
和全世界隔绝lost contact with the world
拒绝对入境旅客作身体检查,筛选受感染人士refused to impose health screening at immigration checkpoints
于星期四证实患上非典型肺炎was confirmed on Thursday to be suffering from atypical pneumonia
At last count, SARS has killed 116 people and infected 2,890 worldwide.
空气传播的airborne (a); airborne viruses
阻止疫症蔓延keep the virus from spreading
非典型肺炎atypical pneumonia
非典型肺炎疫潮the outbreak of atypical pneumonia
Sars is frightening because there is no known cure.
威尔斯亲王医院8A病房Ward 8A of Prince of Wales Hospital
Many residents of Amoy Gardens have been infected.
What this contagion has shown is that Hong Kong is ill-prepared to handle a sudden and serious public health incident.
The territory failed to maintain its 'zero-infection' record as one person was confirmed to have contracted Sars on Sunday.
Six more patients were confirmed dead from Sars yesterday - two women and four men aged 48 to 79, all with underlying illnesses - bringing the total death toll to 94.
Another 52 Amoy Gardens residents were confirmed to have contracted the disease last night, bringing the total number of infected people living in the estate to 237. Of those, 121 are from Block E.
染上登革热contract dengue fever
染上登革热而入院is in hospital with dengue fever
An influenza pandemic would spread globally and every country would be affected.
为免示弱,拒绝在公众场合戴上口罩refuses to show fear by wearing a surgical face mask in public
疫情失控the epidemic has got out of hand
疫情重灾区the epicentre of the current outbreak
The conference was told Malaysia, Myanmar and Vietnam were among the most at-risk Asian countries.
Infrared cameras can also make false positives.
美国疾病管制局U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
重新评估疫情reassess the situation
首宗本地感染个案first-ever locally contracted case
Hong Kong would also need to go 20 days without a new case for the WHO travel advisory to be lifted.
Hong Kong's Sars outbreak had stabilised.
Hong Kong's atypical pneumonia outbreak had peaked.
容许员工在家工作allow some staff to work from home
旅游警告生效以来Since the travel advisory was imposed
气候转变可能会引发疟疾潮climatic change could mean the return of malaria
病源source of the virus
蚊卵mosquito eggs
追寻病毒传播途径traces the path of the contagion
高危地方high-risk areas
高度传染highly contagious
高峰期peak season
带有乙型肝炎病菌/乙型肝炎带菌carry the hepatitis B virus
患者的分泌物secretions of infected patients
控制疾病contain the outbreak
Kissing helps transmit the hepatitis B virus.
掩饰疫情downplay the epidemic
采取了一些预防措施have taken some precautions
采取措施,预防非典型肺炎复发prepare defences against a recurrence of Sars
淘大花园E座居民a resident of Block E at Amoy Gardens
淘大花园的大规模爆发疫潮the mass outbreak of Sars at Amoy Gardens
Human-to-human transmission of the virus was possible.
透过人传人传播spreading through human-to-human transmission
最宝贵的教训the dearest lesson
无法控制病毒传播were unable to contain the mystery illness
无限期关闭have been shut indefinitely
There was no sign of an outbreak.
登革热dengue fever
登革热的别称break-bone fever
60 per cent of people are wearing masks on the MTR, on the streets.
视察沙士病房touring hospital wards of SARS patients
notifiable (a); a notifiable disease
传染病an infectious disease/communicable diseases
传染病防治中心a centre for infectious-disease control
传染病专家劳永乐infectious diseases specialist Lo Wing-lok
AIDS is about to explode in the world's most populous nations.
爱滋病肆虐的非洲AIDS-wracked Africa
Singapore has reported 16 infections and Taipei three.
Of the newly infected, nine are health-care workers while 11 are residents of Amoy Gardens, the housing estate hard hit by the virus.
新增感染个案连续三日少了五宗the daily number of new cases needed to be no more than an average of five for three consecutive days
会立即戴上手术口罩would immediately don surgical masks
当时坚持未有社区扩散insisted at the time that it had not spread to society at large
经共享针筒传染passed through shared needles
经血液接触传染transmitted via contact with the blood
经飞沫传播spreads through water droplets
经接触传染的/会传染别人的contagious (a); Scarlet fever is highly contagious./Is he still contagious?
Mr Tung is quite worried about Sars coming back.
The man had no recent travel history outside Hong Kong.
跨物种传染cross-species transmission
遏制疫情/遏制疫潮stem the outbreak/quell the disease
Every hundred years there have been three or four pandemics.
团结一致对抗肺炎work together to combat the severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) outbreak
Every day in Asia, 1,192 people die of AIDS-related diseases. Another 2,658 become infected, according to UNAIDS, a U.N. group that monitors the disease globally.
数字在上升is on the rise
The chance of cross-infection would be minimised.
尽可能减低感染的机会minimise the risk of infection
There should be a purpose-built hospital to tackle infectious diseases.
戴口罩来减低感染沙士的机会lower their risk of exposure to SARS by wearing face masks
检出沙士的怀疑染病者weed out suspected SARS carriers
检疫站quarantine anchorages
Premier Wen Jiabao yesterday appealed for international understanding over the mainland's Sars crisis.
避免去人多的地方avoiding visiting public places
隐瞒疫情cover up the existence of the disease
The number of people in Hong Kong who have contracted the atypical pneumonia virus has reached 165 - and six people have now died, the Hospital Authority said on Thursday.
Hospital Authority chairman Leong Che-hung stressed there would be sufficient manpower and facilities to deal with the patients, but that intensive care treatment would be under heavy pressure.
怀疑个案a suspected case
严重急性呼吸道综合症(非典型肺炎)/沙士severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
警告沙士可能已经扩散到社区warned that Sars might have already spread to the community
警告除非没有新感染个案,否则不会撤销旅游警告cautioned that its travel advisory would remain in place until there are no new cases of infection
变种的非典型肺炎病毒mutated Sars virus
一项严格的隔离新政策a tough new quarantine policy
下令家居隔离十天have been ordered to undergo a 10-day home isolation
下隔离令imposed the quarantine order
Shanghai lifted its quarantine orders on Hong Kong tourists.
His family was ordered to serve 10 days in quarantine.
必须在机场酒店或自己家中隔离十日are required to stay put for 10 days in airport hotels or their homes
787 people in the territory were observing home quarantine.
She is in isolation in an intensive care unit and is in stable condition.
封锁淘大花园E座seal off Block E of Amoy Gardens
能自行隔离十日can complete 10 days' self-imposed quarantine
Travelers from SARS hotspots are being isolated for 10 days.
采取更强硬的家居隔离政策imposed stricter home isolation orders
被隔离/入住隔离病房is kept in quarantine/are in quarantine
被隔离十四日are under 14-day quarantine
Dr Fung said 33 warning letters have been sent to people violating quarantines.
Eventually the whole hospital was quarantined and then shut down.
Anyone who has been in close contact with a virus victim must stay at home, checking in at special clinics for medical tests daily for 10 days.
隔离措施quarantine measures